NTSC G-Tek 2in1 HD |
December 12, 2020 |
The NTSC G-Tek 2in1 HD did not work when I was trying to play with the SNES games after I have set the switch over to the SNES part of this Console. I had only received the Audio signal which was with Music and Sound, but no Video was showing up at all. Not that this matters, BUT, the button colors of the controllers did not match up with the consoles switches, as they were Blue buttons instead of the Traditional SNES Purple. The Colors for the Controllers ARE supposed to Match up with the Console's NES-Off-SNES & Reset Buttons. I got no complaints for the NES port (Only when using the HDMI plug though!) as this is working fine for me, BUT, what's even Worse is that BOTH the NES & SNES do NOT work at all when using the AV (Aka. RCA) Plugs! (Only NES games work & only the HDMI plug works!)
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